“Me too.”
There is so much power in those two words. Every single time I have been stuck in my life, every time I was in despair, in a toxic relationship, starving myself, eating too much, addicted, wrestling with perfectionism, or struggling in the aftermath of my childhood sexual abuse,
I felt alone.
We get sold that bill of goods – all of us. We think we are alone in our pain – that everyone else has it figured out and we are the ONLY ONES who cannot seem to navigate these things successfully.
It’s never true and it’s just so harmful to buy into that.
So much of my work as a writer, activist, and speaker is about destroying that myth – the myth that we are meant to do it by ourselves, that we should all just be able to handle this stuff as individuals.
Every time I have been in a room and told my story I’ve healed a little more. Every single time I’ve stood firmly in my truth, as a survivor, a recovering anorexic/bulimic, an alcoholic – even just as one more brokenhearted human being, I’ve ended up feeling more connected to the people around me.
Vulnerability is my superpower, as it turns out.
My truth leaves the door open for your truth, even if it’s different than mine.If you are interested in having me speak to your group or at an event, please fill out this form or email my assistant Camille Sterner at camillesterner.lpp@gmail.com and let’s make it happen!
Loved, loved, loved this conversation with the brilliant Meghan Jarvis
One of my all-time favorite interviews!
My 2019 Goose presentation with author Matt Bays
Living Authentically: The Risk, The Cost, The Redemption